Graduate Certificates in Investigations

网赌上分平台提供几个研究生调查证书课程. 这些证书课程允许您探索和更好地了解调查的不同方面,而无需承诺获得完整的硕士学位. 如果你选择完成硕士学位,他们也可以在你的学位之上提供额外的关注. 以下每个证书都100%在线提供,学位的任何折扣也适用于证书.

Each certificate requires 12 credit hours or 4 classes. If you are a current master’s degree student, 你可以申请两门课程(或6个学分)达到12个学分的要求.

Financial Crime Investigations

金融犯罪调查证书由两门必修课和两门选修课组成. 该证书旨在提高学生的知识水平, and employability, 在公共和私营部门的金融犯罪调查.

Required courses (6 Credits)

  • INVS 6605 Topics in White Collar Crime
  • EMV世界中金融和网络犯罪的发展趋势
  • 两门选修课:从以下课程中选择两门(6学分)
  • INVS 6601, INVS 6603, INVS 6610, INVS 6612, INVS 6626, INVS 6627, INVS 6634或INVS 6635
Cybercrime Investigations

网络犯罪调查证书包括两门必修课和两门选修课程(其中一门必须来自INVS)。. 该证书旨在提高学生的知识水平, and employability, 在公共和私营部门的网络犯罪调查.

Required Courses (6 credits)

  • INVS 6611网络犯罪调查的当代主题
  • CJST 6600计算机犯罪:法律问题和调查程序
  • Plus two free electives, 至少有一门课程是由导师批准的INVS课程(6学分)
Digital Forensics Investigations

数字取证调查证书由两门必修课和两门选修课组成, with approval from the advisor. 该证书旨在提高学生的知识水平, and employability, 在公共和私营部门的数字取证调查.

Required Courses (6 credits)

  • CJST 6600计算机犯罪:法律问题和调查程序
  • CJST 6627 Internet Investigations & Audit-Based Computer Forensics
  • Plus two electives (6 credits)
Civil Rights & Title IX Investigations

The Civil Rights & 第九条调查证书由两门必修课和两门选修课组成, with approval from the advisor. 该证书旨在提高学生的知识水平, and employability, in both the public and private sector civil rights & Title IX investigations.

Required Courses (6 credits)

  • INVS 6617 Civil Rights Investigations
  • INVS 6620 Title IX & Other Predator Investigations
  • Plus two electives (6 credits)
Healthcare Fraud Investigations

医疗诈骗调查证书包括四门必修课程. 该证书旨在提高学生的知识水平, and employability, 在公共和私营部门的医疗欺诈调查.

Required Courses (12 credits)

  • INVS 6635 Healthcare Fraud Investigations
  • INVS 6637 Anatomy of Healthcare Fraud
  • INVS 6638 Electronic Files & Healthcare Fraud
  • INVS 6643医疗欺诈分析或INVS 6612保险调查当代主题
Security, Risk, and Resiliency

The Security, Risk & 弹性证书由三门必修课和第四门必修课的两门课程之间的选择组成. 该证书旨在提高学生的知识水平, and employability, in both the public and private sector security, risk and resiliency.

Required Courses (12 credits)

  • 跨国私营部门安全运营的全球视角
  • INVS 6658 Asymmetrical Attacks on the Private Sector 1
  • INVS 6659 Asymmetrical Attacks on the Private Sector 2
  • INVS 6606 Security & 损失预防或INVS 6644知识产权 & Counterfeit Goods Investigations
Compliance Investigations

合规调查证书由三门必修课和一门选修课组成, with approval from the advisor. 该证书旨在提高学生的知识水平, and employability, 在公共和私营部门的金融情报调查.

Required Courses (9 credits)

  • INVS 6650 Regulation & Occupational Fraud
  • INVS 6603 Contemporary Topics in Money Laundering
  • INVS 6613 BSA and Compliance Investigations
  • Plus one elective (3 credits)
Sports Integrity Investigations

Required Courses (12 credits)

  • INVS 6622 Bribery & Corruption Investigations
  • INVS 6640 International Sports Gambling, Match-fixing & Corruption
  • INVS 6655 American Sports Corruption
  • INVS 6656 International & National Sports Gambling Markets
Trafficking in Persons Investigations

人口贩运调查证书由两门必修课和两门选修课组成, with approval from the advisor. 该证书旨在提高学生的知识水平, and employability, 在公共和私营部门进行人口贩运调查.

Required Courses (12 credits)

  • INVS 6626 Trafficking & Smuggling
  • INVS 6648 Technology in Human Trafficking
  • INVS 6649 Data Analytics and Human Trafficking
  • 对贩运人口的法医调查
Elder & Child Protective Services Investigations

The Elder & 儿童保护调查证书由两门必修课和两门选修课组成, with approval from the advisor. 该证书旨在提高学生的知识水平, and employability, in both the public and private sector elder & child protective services investigations.

Required Courses (12 credits)

  • INVS 6615 Elder and Other Fraud Based Investigations
  • INVS 6645 Elder Justice Investigations
  • INVS 6647 Crimes Involving Children
  • INVS 6660 Domestic Abuse & Violence Investigations
Criminal Investigations

刑事调查证书由三门必修课和一门选修课组成. 该证书旨在提高学生的知识水平, and employability, 在公共和私营部门的刑事调查.

Required Courses (9 credits)

  • INVS 6620 Title IX & Other Predator Investigations
  • 死亡调查中的调查复杂性
  • INVS 6647 Crimes Involving Children
  • 以下任选一门:INVS 6660, INVS 6629, INVS 6620, INVS 6635, INVS 6628
Corporate Investigations

企业调查证书包括三门必修课程和一门选修课程, with approval from the advisor. 该证书旨在提高学生的知识水平, and employability, in both the public and private corporate investigations.

Required Courses (9 credits)

  • INVS 6604 Topics in Corporate Investigations
  • INVS 6622 Bribery & Corruption Investigations
  • INVS 6644 Intellectual Property Rights & Counterfeit Goods Investigations
  • One elective from any INVS courses
Wildlife & Environmental Crimes Investigations

The Wildlife & Environmental Crimes Certificate 由三门3学分课程和三门1学分课程(自学和自定进度)组成。.

Required Courses: 3- 1 credit courses (3 credit hours)

  • INVS 6500 Fundamentals of Anti-Money Laundering 1 credit
  • INVS 6501 Wildlife Crimes Investigations 1 credit
  • INVS 6502 Environmental Crimes Investigations 1 credit

3 – 3 credit courses (9 credit hours)

  • INVS 6603当代洗钱主题3学时
  • INVS 6661 Wildlife Crimes Investigations
  • INVS 6662 Environmental Crimes Investigations